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Nuevo Mycoad

Nuevo Mycoad

Efecto del nuevo Mycoad sobre los daños toxicológicos causados por aflatoxinas y fumonisinas en pollos de engorde

Es importante la Zearalenona en la avicultura comercial?

Es importante la Zearalenona en la avicultura comercial?

La Zearalenona (ZEN) es una de las
tres micotoxinas que mayormente
contaminan el alimento
terminado en producción animal a nivel
mundial. Varios reportes de diferentes
instituciones indican que más de la mitad
de las muestras evaluadas demuestran
su presencia.

Mycotoxin lesions in the slaughterhouse-broilers

Mycotoxin lesions in the slaughterhouse-broilers

Traditionally, the presence of mycotoxins capable of causing damage in animal production has been demonstrated by detecting certain levels in ingredients and / or rations. Since this technique has many limitations, histopathology has been used…

Efficacy of Mycoad against aflatoxin in layers

Efficacy of Mycoad against aflatoxin in layers

Caged ISA Brown layers already in production were transferred from a commercial farm to an experimental unit at Samitec in Santa María, RS, Brazil. A seven-day adaptation period to the new facilities was allowed before starting the trial at 40 weeks of age.

Target organ protection. Anti-Mycotoxin Additive

Target organ protection. Anti-Mycotoxin Additive

Fungal contamination of agricultural products is often unavoidable and of growing concern because frequently these products have toxic metabolites known as mycotoxins. Mycotoxins contamination can occur in the crops…

Lesions by Mycotoxins in Poultry

Lesions by Mycotoxins in Poultry

• Immunossuppression
• Vaccination failures
• Excesive use of antibiotics
• Meat yield reduction
• Increased condemnations
• Increase in bruisings

Target organ protection. Anti-Mycotoxin Additive on Ducks

Target organ protection. Anti-Mycotoxin Additive on Ducks

Ducks are considered one of the most susceptible avian species to aflatoxin (AFLA) toxicity. Scientific reports describe several clinical signs and lesions, as well as diminished performance after ingestion of contaminated rations for different periods of time.

Scientific Papers / Poster

Poster AZ Vs. AFL. T2. FUM. (layers)

Poster AZ Vs. AFL. T2. FUM. (layers)

Recent reports have shown an increase in the presence of multiple mycotoxins at relative high levels in feedstuffs worldwide. Toxicity of some mycotoxins may increase in a synergistic or additive fashion when they are combined in the diet.

Poster Mycoad Vs. AFL. in layers

Poster Mycoad Vs. AFL. in layers

The presence of aflatoxins in feedstuffs and their toxic effects have been recognized worldwide for many years. Aflatoxin (AFB) is the most toxic of all mycotoxins in poultry; being the liver its principal target organ. The most practical approach to ameliorate the deleterious effects of mycotoxins…

Exp. design low dose AZ Vs.T2 toxin

Exp. design low dose AZ Vs.T2 toxin

T-2 toxin (T-2) is a naturally occurring mycotoxin from the group of the trichothecenes, produced by Fusarium spp. mainly before harvesting. T-2 has been characterized by oral lesions and reduced growth in chickens, as well as the inhibition of protein synthesis…

Abstract DF Vs. AFL. in chickens

Abstract DF Vs. AFL. in chickens

The dietary use of 0.25% Myco-Ad has been proven to effectively prevent the toxic effects of aflatoxin B1 (AFB), ochratoxin and T-2 toxin in broilers. Studies were conducted to evaluate the AFB adsorption capacity of Myco-Ad and its efficacy in preventing the deleterious effects of high levels of AFB…

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