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Micotoxinas Enemigas silenciosas de la integridad intestinal

Micotoxinas Enemigas silenciosas de la integridad intestinal

La barrera intestinal es una de las primeras líneas de defensa del organismo frente a patógenos y contaminantes externos. Por ello, cualquier alteración en su estructura o función puede desencadenar problemas que pueden pasar desapercibidos, pero que a la larga se pueden traducir en importantes pérdidas económicas …

Evaluación de la  respuesta post vacunal

Evaluación de la respuesta post vacunal

Frecuentemente observamos casos clínicos en producción comercial donde nos cuestionamos si los cuadros observados son producto de una inmunosupresión de origen viral o de otro tipo.

Nuevo Mycoad

Nuevo Mycoad

Efecto del nuevo Mycoad sobre los daños toxicológicos causados por aflatoxinas y fumonisinas en pollos de engorde

Es importante la Zearalenona en la avicultura comercial?

Es importante la Zearalenona en la avicultura comercial?

La Zearalenona (ZEN) es una de las
tres micotoxinas que mayormente
contaminan el alimento
terminado en producción animal a nivel
mundial. Varios reportes de diferentes
instituciones indican que más de la mitad
de las muestras evaluadas demuestran
su presencia.

Naturally Innocuous

Naturally Innocuous

Around the world, anti-mycotoxins additives have been used for decades to prevent the deleterious effects caused by them. Historically, one main concern is the possibility of these products negatively affecting the absorption of essential nutrients, such as minerals and vitamins from the gastrointestinal tract…

Mycotoxin Lesions in the slaughterhouse-pigs

Mycotoxin Lesions in the slaughterhouse-pigs

Pigs will ingest sublethal amounts of the toxin for a prolonged period of time, affecting their health status. The manifestation is a growth reduction and poor performance. The analysis of mycotoxins in feed previously consumed by the animals is normally the method used to establish a relationship between the lesions observed in the slaughterhouses and mycotoxins.

How to take samples

How to take samples

¿Why is it sometimes difficult to identify mycotoxins in grains and food?
It is common to talk with nutritionists, agronomists and veterinarians who mention the difficulty of demonstrating significant levels of mycotoxins in the ration of animals that show typical mycotoxicosis lesions.

Anti-Mycotoxin Additive of Proven Efficacy

Anti-Mycotoxin Additive of Proven Efficacy

There is a general understanding that ruminants are less susceptible to mycotoxins’ detrimental effects due to the metabolizing action of the rumen microflora. However, metabolites produced in the rumen can be equally or even more toxic than the original toxin.

Impact of mycotoxins in dairy

Impact of mycotoxins in dairy

There is a general understanding that ruminants are less susceptible to mycotoxins’ detrimental effects due to the metabolizing action of the rumen microflora. However, metabolites produced in the rumen can be equally or even more toxic than the original toxin.



What are endotoxins?
Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria are differentiated, among other things, by their type of cell envelope. Gram-negative bacteria are encircled by a thin peptidoglycan cell wall, that is also enclosed by an outer membrane containing lipopolysaccharides (LPS), one of the main components of the endotoxins responsible for the damage…



La realización de la necropsia es indispensable para la elaboración de un diagnóstico. Es importante contar en las granjas con el equipo mínimo necesario para su realización. Cada profesionista adopta una técnica de necropsia e incluso la modifica a su gusto y comodidad, por lo que esta es solo una guía para la realización sistemática de la misma.

Mycotoxin lesions in the slaughterhouse-broilers

Mycotoxin lesions in the slaughterhouse-broilers

Traditionally, the presence of mycotoxins capable of causing damage in animal production has been demonstrated by detecting certain levels in ingredients and / or rations. Since this technique has many limitations, histopathology has been used…

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2766 SW 37th Ave, Miami, FL 33133

1 (305) 857-9830

1 (305) 857-6973